What to expect
What does a treatment feel like & how long will it take?
The treatment begins with a complete intake of information regarding current and past health conditions, allergies, medication taken, diet, work, and exercise and lifestyle habits.
Next, the acupuncturist will palpate the pulse at the wrists and abdomen.
Finally, the acupuncturist will place or insert needles or other tools at specific points. This should not be painful at any time. Most patients feel deeply relaxed and may fall asleep during a treatment. The treatment time is approximately 45 minutes.

Before You Arrive…
- Please print out the Consent Form & Health History Form. Please fill them out and bring them to your first appointment.
- Bring a list of all medications and supplements you are taking
- Loose clothing is more convenient.
- Wear minimal make-up and perfume, especially on your first visit.
- Have a light meal or snack before the visit. (Heavy meals may cause nausea. An empty stomach may cause dizziness after the treatment.)
- Do not drink coffee at least 3 hours prior to your visit.
- Drink enough water on the day of the treatment.
- Do not drink alcohol.
After your Visit…
- Keep yourself hydrated, sip on water
- Do not eat greasy or spicy food
- Rest is preferable
- Do not exercise